This years Christmas Crawl will be on Friday 13th December 2019 - 6pm onwards
Rob, the Head Brewer at Wadworth, has kindly offered to provide the Visitors Centre as a starting point for the crawl so we can try the seasonal beers and the whole range from the horse's mouth (no horses will be hurt in the making of this crawl).
Slight catch is that the brewing team have another appointment on the night so it's an early start.
We will leave the visitor centre by 1845hrs (All drinks will be £3 a pint at the Visitors Centre. We will run up a tab and then pay in one go at the end so please people bring some coinage/change for this so it is not too arduous to sort out.)
If you really can't make this start as its too early then the next venue is The SnuffBox....we will leave there at 1930hrs. Ish.
After that we will all stick together and no more of the route will be revealed until the previous venue like last year.
Please wear Christmas jumpers/hats/underwear as you see fit!