Beer Festival
The 24th Devizes Beer & Cider Festival will be held on.
Friday 4th July 2025
5.30pm until 10.00pm
Saturday 5th July 2025
11.30am until 10.00pm
This year, for the first time, we will be running a session on Friday Night. This session will be a 'quiet' session with no music.
We will have around 100 real ales and ciders.
The beer festival takes over Devizes wharf, with a marquee for the beer and cider, and plenty of outdoor space. Please note that the marquee is not big enough for everyone to sit inside, and we may limit what is allowed inside the marquee for safety.
All beer and cider is strictly for consumption at the festival. Due to the duty regulations we are not allowed, or can permit drink to be taken off the festival site.
On Saturday, there will be live music on our stage.
Food will be available from our on site concessions. You are welcome to bring your own food onto the site.
If you have any questions please use the chat button below, or ask on the festival Facebook page.

Festival Entry
We restrict access to adult ticket holders only.
If you require the support of a care support worker then please contact us in advance for options.
Children, under 18 years old, are welcome onto the site and do not require a ticket, they must at all times be accompanied by a ticket holder.
No alcoholic drink may be brought onto the site. There will be a bag check at each of the entry points to the site.
Anyone drinking alcoholic drinks without without a festival wrist band will be drinking alcohol in a licensed area without permission, and will be asked to leave.
Can I bring my own drinkNo. We will be strictly limiting drinking on site to alcoholic drinks sold either by ourselves, or the Kennet and Avon canal trust, and only to those wearing a festival wristband. Security will conduct bag checks at the entry points to the site, and undertake random patrols of the site. Anyone see drinking their own alcoholic drinks will be asked to leave.
What happens if I turn up without a ticket?If there are tickets available then they will remain on sale online. Occasionally we will have people who arrive with a spare ticket. We aim to help those with a spare ticket sell it to those in need
I only drink wineWine will be availble from the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust. Please support them. You will not be permitted to bring your own alcoholic drink onto the site.
Do children need a ticket?No. We welcome many children to the festival. Soft drinks and ice cream will be available from the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust.
Do designated drivers need a ticket?Yes. Unfortunately repeated abuse has meant that we now insist that all adults on the festival site have a ticket.
How will entry be controlledSecurity will be present at each of the entry points onto the site. They will check that you have a ticket, and will be undertaking a bag checks to ensure you are not bringing alcohol onto the site.
What if I have lost my ticketWe should be able to find your ticket on the online system. We will need to be confident that you are entitled to that ticket before we permit entry.
My ticket has not arrivedAs with all things electronic please give it a few minutes for the email to arrive. If it has still not arrived please contact us and we can check what has happened
I think something went wrong with my orderPlease let us have as much information as you can. We can then check on the system and see what has happened. We would rather you contacted us first, rather then accidentally place a second order.
How will I receive my ticketThe ticket will be sent to the email address you enter when you buy the ticket
I paid and it took me back to the start.Your tickets should soon be in your email inbox. If they haven't arrived after a few hours please contact us using the chat button
Off sales?Due to the Small Brewers Relief on Alcohol Duty we are unable to sell beer and cider for consumption away from the festival.